Seth Pick
Previous Shows
Seth Pick – Velvet breath (2017)
Seth Pick – Humiliations (2015)
Seth Pick – Biophilia (2014)
DO NOT DISTURB, invited by Elmgreen & Dragset (2014 Oslo)
At the invitation of Elmgreen & Dragset
Cosima von Bonin, Cerith Wyn Evans, Tom of Finland, Simon Fujiwara, Julian Göthe
Henrik Olai Kaarstein, Henrik Olesen, Raymond Pettibon, Seth Pick, Ingegerd Råman
Prem Sahib, Dirk Stewen, Sissel Tolaas, Elmar Vestner and others
Exhibition duration: March 21 – June 21, 2014
Gerhardsen Gerner Oslo is pleased to present DO NOT DISTURB, a group exhibition featuring artists invited by Elmgreen & Dragset.
The works included in DO NOT DISTURB focus on the nocturnal, sleep, dreams, passion, sexual fantasies, and the last, long night that
awaits us all. The gallery space is transformed into a gothic-style bedroom with dark red walls and an imposing black lacquered bed by
Elmgreen & Dragset in the centre of the room. The bed, titled Omnes Una Manet Nox, which translates to One Night Awaits Us All,
shows a sinister gold plated vulture perched on top of one of its bedposts. Each work in this group exhibition adds in different ways to
the condensed domestic ambience of the space, as if they were all elements in a life sized, perverted doll house where “do not disturb”
makes literal sense.
DO NOT DISTURB coincides with Biography, a survey exhibition of Elmgreen & Dragset’s work presented at the nearby Astrup
Fearnley Museet in Oslo.
Based in London and Berlin, Michael Elmgreen (b. 1961, Denmark) and Ingar Dragset (b. 1969, Norway) have worked as a
collaborative duo since 1995. Most recently, the internationally renowned Victoria and Albert Museum in London commissioned
Elmgreen & Dragset to create Tomorrow, an ambitious site-specific installation. Tomorrow transformed the Victoria and Albert’s former
textile galleries into an apartment belonging to a fictional, elderly and disillusioned architect, continuing the artists' focus on staging twisted
domestic interiors.
For further information please contact Marina Gerner-Mathisen, Gerhardsen Gerner, Oslo:
or Maike Fries, Gerhardsen Gerner, Berlin: T: +49-30-69 51 83 41, F: +49-30-69 51 83 42,
or visit our website at